Constitution, Militia, Citizen, 2nd Amendment
Constitution, Militia, Citizen, 2nd Amendment
California State Militia, 2nd Infantry Regiment
California State Militia, 2nd Infantry Regiment

About Our Organization

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We are private citizens and members of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, California State Militia.


We are defensive in nature and do not "protest" as an organization. Our members are free to express their beliefs and perform their civic duties as they see fit, independent of, and without official endorsement of the organization.


We promote, uphold, and defend the Rights Secured in writing to the people within the US Constitution, the Bill Of Rights.


We stand to support our first responders, (Police, Fire, Paramedics) in any capacity possible. Our goal is to be a force multiplier for them rather than a hindrance.


Several of our members participate in C.E.R.T. (Communnity Emergency Response Team) and have taken many FEMA courses to improve our ability and understanding of emergency operations should the need arise.


We believe, promote and defend the principles of an elected, just government designed and by our forefathers to ensure that all citizens regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin are allowed to quietly enjoy those unalienable** rights and protections defined by our founding fathers in the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights.


We acknowledge our responsibility as citizens and exercise our rights as established in the Constitution of the United States to maintain our militia and train our members in the many disciplines necessary to support, defend and assist our communities through the function of the militia both as a whole and to the members individually.


We educate our members in areas of history, law, and principles of a Republican* form of government as compiled in the experience and records of our forefathers.


The 2IR, CSM does not advocate any acts of violence, aggression, militant behavior or aggressive inciteful action. 5We remain a community service and defense-oriented organization.


What we are NOT


We are not a militant or inciteful group

We are not a white supremacist group

We are not a hate group.
We are
not anti-government.
We are not conspiracy nuts.
We do seek change but seek it by legal peaceful means.


*the word "Republican" as used here refers to the form of government (Republic) and not a specific political party.

The CSM welcomes membership from all political affiliations.



Unalienable is an adjective that can be defined as “not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; inalienable.” For example, there are certain rights that American citizens are born with and these are unalienable


Inalienable means something that “can’t be transferred to someone else, taken away, or denied.” This item, right, or principle isn’t alienable or “able to be sold.” For example: Americans consider freedom of speech an inalienable right although not all countries agree with this.


Un- is a prefix (english) that means “not” and gives a negative or opposite force. Although in- can mean “inclusion” (as in inland or indwelling), it can also be a synonym for un-, and is commonly used with nouns. Therefore, some words with the prefix in- can also mean a negative force (latin), like inattention, inexpensive, or inorganic.

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